How to Make Stress Your Friend


How to Make Stress Your Friend /ストレスと友達になる方法

Kelly McGonigal /ケリー・マクゴニガル




Stress itself is not harmful. Believing stress is harmful is harmful. Symptoms of stress such as breath-running,and heart-pounding, are assusting people to overcome the difficult situation. The stress hormone called "オキシトシン" make you socially capable as the nicname "愛情ホルモン." This is a particular good point of undergoing stress. 


"Chasing mening is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort."



<Speech Compositions>

I liked the starting words, "I have a confession to make." This hook attracts audiences' attention. In addtion, before she make the confession, she asked a question to audiences. Generally, asking is not very good strategy. Audiences are lazy, so they would not answer. However, in her case, thank of the attention drowen by the preor word "confession", she involved audiences fluently.