
43 art 

an inprtant component of art history and art appriciation cources is regular visit to art museums and garallies.




New York is one of the best places for the purpose.


Studnents can view the collections of Renaissance, and Romanticism gallery along other displayes featuring  Avant-garde, Pop art, and Impressionism works, at some local museums there.



Students interested in Abstract Expressionism or Neoclassicism can find their way to variaty of this sorts of displays.


The local museums and  galleries can contein exellent examples of sculpture in bronze and plaster that bring alive the photos of course textbooks.


Students will learn to look at the art and be able to identify the time period and genre of the piece.


Toward the end of course, students will begin to critique portrait, still life or landscape pieces along with watercolors and oil paintings. 


44. art (2)

Two decades ago, when university art students started taking their skills to the streets, community art program projects sprouted out across the country. 

sprout 芽を出す


In the begging, these project for regarded was little more glorified graffiti, but they cought the attention of patron of art who took the task organizing the group of budding artists. 

glorify 美化する

bud つぼみ


Now, twenty years later, students continue to bring their art to various nighborhoods in the form of  murals, mosaics and frescoss

murals 壁画

mosaic モザイク画


These younge people are anxious to be inclueded in improving urban arsthetics.  


aesthetics 美学の、審美的な、美学の


Each project is desiged to reflect the unique ambience of the community. 

ambience 雰囲気


Prejects begin with students artists setting eaasels and sketching illustrations of the exsisting street scenes


Then, appropriate locations are chosen, and permisstion from property oweners secured


Texture as well as hue is considerd in the compostition of artwork, incorporationg woodcarving, engraving and etching into projects. 

hue 色調

woodcarving 木版画

engraving 版画

etching 銅版画



チェーホフの銃 Chekhov's Gun 

のちに撃たれることのない銃は登場させるべきではない、ストーリーに無用な要素は盛り込むべきではない、といった文学上の伏線(foreshadowing)に関するチェーホフの考え方。対峙する技法は燻製ニシンの虚偽(Red herring)だろうか。




How to Make Stress Your Friend



How to Make Stress Your Friend /ストレスと友達になる方法

Kelly McGonigal /ケリー・マクゴニガル




Stress itself is not harmful. Believing stress is harmful is harmful. Symptoms of stress such as breath-running,and heart-pounding, are assusting people to overcome the difficult situation. The stress hormone called "オキシトシン" make you socially capable as the nicname "愛情ホルモン." This is a particular good point of undergoing stress. 


"Chasing mening is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort."



<Speech Compositions>

I liked the starting words, "I have a confession to make." This hook attracts audiences' attention. In addtion, before she make the confession, she asked a question to audiences. Generally, asking is not very good strategy. Audiences are lazy, so they would not answer. However, in her case, thank of the attention drowen by the preor word "confession", she involved audiences fluently. 


Reproductive fittness-適応度-the nummber of expected offsprings. 


まず、例を提示して、what a heartwarming stroy! but, remmember ダーウィン's theory, これだと利他的な遺伝子は絶滅してしまいますよね?

↑this is not point. ボツ。



利他的行動はcommon in animal kingdom, and even in insects. 社会性昆虫(ants, wasps, ハダカデバネズミ).Sterile(不妊) workers devotes their whole lives for the queen.  吸血コウモリはfoodをshareする。helper birds. Vervet monkeys alarm and make fellow monkeys notice the predeter. 


-What is truely 利他的?